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Beginning Genealogy

🌟 Unlock Your Family's Past: Join Us for "Beginning Genealogy" 🌳

Embark on a journey to trace your roots and unveil your family's fascinating story! Special Collections Librarian Vickie Fields cordially invites you to a captivating event: "Beginning Genealogy."

📅 Date: Saturday, April 27

🕙 Time: 10:00 AM

📍 Venue: Browning Gallery

In this enriching class, you'll delve into the art of genealogy with expert guidance. Discover where to begin your quest, navigate through essential resources, and learn valuable techniques to kickstart your genealogical journey.

Whether you're a novice or have dabbled in genealogy before, this event promises valuable insights and practical tips to help you uncover your ancestry. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the depths of your family tree and connect with your heritage.

Secure your spot today and embark on an adventure through time and lineage! Register now to reserve your seat at